AccessibilityTottenham Hotspur Stadium

Terms and Conditions

Schedule Two - Safety and Enjoyment

  1. Tottenham Hotspur reserves the right to refuse admission and may request any Ticket holders leave (taking any such appropriate action to enforce this right) before or during any Event or Tottenham Experience Visitor Attraction if it considers it to be necessary or desirable to do so.
  2. Tottenham Hotspur reserves the right to limit items which may be brought into the Tottenham Experience and to search bags, and persons before granting entry. Persons entering the Tottenham Experience agree to such searches and Tottenham Hotspur reserves the right to refuse entry to, or to eject from the Tottenham Experience and any Tottenham Hotspur Visitor Attraction, anyone refusing to submit to such a search. Prohibited items include but are not limited to illegal substances, knives, blades, firearms and weapons of any kind, fireworks, explosives or ammunition and dangerous or hazardous items. A detailed list of restricted items can be found on the Tottenham Hotspur stadium website Tottenham Hotspur shall be not be liable for damage to property incurred during any such search.
  3. You will not cause any nuisance, distress, annoyance, fear or concern to any other guest or by your acts or omissions interfere with the Climb Guides’ or Tour Guides’ ability to lead an experience in a safe manner or encourage or induce another person to do the same. This includes, without limitation, not making any unnecessary noise, persistently interrupting your Tour Guide/Climb Guide, attempting to shake or otherwise move the Dare Skywalk structure, making any comments or jokes about the security or safety of the Tottenham Experience or Tottenham Hotspur Stadium. Any person acting in breach of this condition will be immediately ejected from the Tottenham Experience without refund.
  4. Latecomers may be asked to wait until a suitable break in Events before being admitted to the venue.
  5. Guests are permitted to take water onto a Stadium Tour only. Food and drink on any other Tottenham Experience Visitor Attraction is strictly prohibited unless required for diabetic purposes and agreed by a Tour Guide, Climb Guide or Tottenham Experience employee in advance.
  6. Dare Skywalk Climbers must not be under the influence of alcohol or substances (legal or illegal) which would make it unsafe for them to take part in the Climb, or to fully understand the safety rules, policies, instructions and briefings given on the day of the Climb by the Climb Guides. Any Climber with a blood alcohol reading of zero point thirty five percent (0.35%) or higher or if you refuse to be breathalysed or if we reasonably believe you are under the influence of substances (legal or illegal) which we believe would make it unsafe for you to Climb, or make you unable to understand the Safety Briefing video shown on the day of the Climb, the Safety Rules and Policies or the safety instructions and advice of the Climb Guides issued on the day of the Climb will not be permitted entry without refund. You will be required to make a declaration in the Declaration and Waiver Form that you are not under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  7. Visitors may only purchase an alcoholic drink on the Dare Skywalk if they have a blood alcohol reading of zero (0.00%). Visitors who wish to purchase any alcoholic beverages may need to undergo a breathalyser test if the Climb Guide believes you to be under the influence of alcohol.
  8. Customers over the age of eighteen (18) are limited to purchase 1 (one) alcoholic beverage on their Dare Skywalk Climb.
  9. Tottenham Hotspur operates a challenge twenty-five (25) policy with regards to the sale of alcohol. Valid ID (valid passport, valid photocard driving license or valid pass ID card) must be shown for any persons we consider to be under twenty-five (25). Failure to do so may result in refusal of sale.
  10. You must be in possession of a valid Ticket to gain admission to Tottenham Experience Visitor Attractions.
  11. Dare Skywalk Climbers must tie long hair back using an elasticated band and not with any item which could cause harm or injury to you or any other person, or damage to the Dare Skywalk structure.
  12. Please note that special effects including but not limited to; smoke effects, strobe lighting, lasers and loud music may be used in Events, details of which will be posted outside the Event entrance and on the specific Event page on the Tottenham Experience Website.
  13. Tottenham Hotspur and any authorised third parties may carry out photography general filming and sound recording in or about the Tottenham Experience. By purchasing Tickets or attending a free Event or Tottenham Experience Visitor Attraction you consent to you and your party being included in and to the commercial use in films and recordings and other promotional material without payment.
  14. You will not by your acts or omissions damage or deface any part of the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, any part of the Tottenham Experience, any part of the Dare Skywalk structure, the climbing equipment used in connection with Dare Skywalk and any equipment provided to you by us, including, without limitation, harnesses, suits, shoes, safety harnesses or lanyards, connectors and trolleys.