AccessibilityTottenham Hotspur Stadium

Terms and Conditions

Schedule Three - Equipment, Clothing and Prohibited Items 

  1. Persons attending Dare Skywalk will be supplied with a Climb suit or gilet, trainers, harness and safety equipment which you will need for your Climb. Persons attending a Dare Skywalk Edge will additionally be issued with a helmet. You must wear this clothing and equipment at all times during the Climb and must not interfere with it in anyway whatsoever after it has been attached by your Climb Guide. If you are uncomfortable you must notify your Climb Guide who will provide assistance. You must wear socks in the shoes.
  2. You will not be permitted to take any belongings with you on the Dare Skywalk Climb other than the following:
    1. Your mobile phone (which will remain in the possession of your Climb Guide for your ascent and descent, and will be given out to you for photo opportunities upon reaching the roof/viewing platform)
    2. Your spectacles, sunglasses and hearing aid which must be secure and not loose fitting
    3. Essential medication which is permitted at our discretion. While the medication shall be carried securely by a Dare Skywalk Climb Guide, neither Tottenham Hotspur nor any operator will be responsible for the medication or the administering of it.
  3. In particular but without limitation, the following items are strictly prohibited:
    1. Any item which is dangerous or may be used as a weapon or may cause damage to the Dare Skywalk structure or stadium
    2. Food and beverages (unless required by diabetic Climbers and arranged with a Climb Guide in advance)
    3. Any loose items including but not limited to, personal devices, aside from mobile phones which will remain the possession of your Climb Guide, including but not limited to: Sound, video recording equipment, cameras, handbags, umbrellas, headphones, MP3 players, iPods and any other personal items.
  4. It is your responsibility to ensure that restricted items are not taken with you on the Climb.
  5. Dare Skywalk customers will be provided with a small locker to store belongings which you are unable to take with you on the Climb. All items are left at your own risk and you must bear this and the limitations on the locker space in mind when deciding which items to bring with you on the day of your visit.
  6. You must wear your normal clothing under your Climb suit which is appropriate for the weather conditions. The Climb suit is a one-piece boiler suit and you must wear suitable clothing which will allow you to wear your Climb suit on top. The Gilet is a zip up sleeveless jacket which goes over your own clothing. The clothing worn underneath your Climb suit must not restrict your movement, obstruct your vision, lead to overheating in warm weather or become entangled in your safety equipment. For this reason, skirts and dresses are not appropriate. We reserve the right to refuse to allow you to participate in the Climb if we consider that your clothing does not meet these requirements or otherwise poses a health and safety risk to you or other Climbers.
  7. You will handle all equipment solely as directed by your Climb Guides and will not remove or interfere in any way whatsoever with the equipment after it has been fitted by your Climb Guides. If you wish to make any adjustments to the equipment you must notify a Climb Guide who will be able to assist.
  8. Customers attending a Stadium Tour will be allowed to take onto the experience smaller bags of A4 size or smaller twenty-one centimetres long and fifteen centimetres high (21cm long x 15cm high), clear plastic carrier bags with a maximum size of thirty centimetres long and thirty centimetres high (30cm long x 30cm high), and sealable, Tottenham Hotspur branded plastic or vinyl merchandise bags purchasable from online or from the Tottenham Experience. Larger bags may be left in our free cloakroom located in the Tottenham Experience. Medical bags and changing bags are permitted but will need to be agreed by a Tour Guide in advance.
  9. We cannot allow walking aids onto Dare Skywalk due to the risk which they pose to other Climbers and the prohibition on loose items which is designed to protect your health and safety and that of other Climbers to prevent slips and trips from falling objects. There is a handrail at all times throughout the Climb for assistance.
  10. We cannot allow assistance dogs onto Dare Skywalk. It is only possible to Climb by being attached to a continuous cable with a climb latch, therefore we are unable to ensure guide dog safety.