AccessibilityTottenham Hotspur Stadium

Terms and Conditions

Schedule One - Physical Requirements

  1. Minimum/Maximum requirements for anyone attending Dare Skywalk must be:
    1. A minimum height of one hundred and twenty centimetres (120cm)
    2. Able to wear a harness which has a maximum width waist of one hundred and twenty-five centimetres (125cm) and a maximum upper thigh width of seventy-five centimetres (75cm) which are the maximum measurements of our harnesses.
    3. A weight of less than one hundred and thirty kilograms / twenty-one stone / two hundred and six pounds (130kg/21 stone/286lbs) which is the maximum weight our harnesses can bear. A minimum weight of thirty kilograms / four stone and seven pounds / sixty-six pounds (30kg/4.7 stone/ 66lbs). If you do not meet these requirements you will not be permitted to take part in the The Dare Skywalk. Climbers agree to being weighed if we reasonably believe that you do not meet the weight requirement.
  2. Dare Skywalk requires physical exertion to complete the Climb. You are required to read details of the Dare Skywalk before placing your booking and you acknowledge and agree that you have been made aware of the Dare Skywalk Climb before placing the booking.
  3. Before the Climb you will be shown a Safety Briefing video. You must be aware of all safety rules and policies outlined in this video and explain them to any Supervised Children named in the Declaration and Waiver Form and you must adhere to these at all times.
  4. You must be capable of undertaking the Dare Skywalk unaided. You acknowledge that the Climb Guides will not supervise you on a one-to-one basis and you will be responsible for ensuring that you and any of your Supervised Children comply with the safety instructions given to you in the briefing video shown to you before the Climb and with our Safety Rules and Policies and with any safety instructions of the Climb Guides.
  5. You are required to notify us in advance if you or any person in your booking needs to take essential medication on the Climb (e.g. asthma inhaler, diabetic medication or nourishment). You will also need to let your Climb Guide know on the day. You will not be permitted to carry the medication yourself and the Climb Guides will carry any permitted medication. We may ask you to produce a written note from your General Practitioner or such other medical practitioner as we may reasonably request to verify that it is necessary.
  6. The forces exerted during the Dare Skywalk may activate or aggravate pre-existing physical injuries, conditions and symptoms or congenital defects and we shall not have any liability whatsoever for the activation or aggravation of any such injuries, conditions, symptoms or defects save where the same have been caused by our negligence or that of the Operators.
  7. You are responsible for ensuring that you and all of your Supervised Children named in your Declaration and Waiver Form are in a fit state of health to participate in the Dare Skywalk and are able to undertake the activities in a manner which will not put at risk your own health and safety or the health and safety of other Climbers and you acknowledge and agree that you have made all adults in your booking aware of the same.
  8. We do not recommend Dare Skywalk to pregnant customers due to the risk to the unborn child, or to people who suffer from vertigo. Dare Skywalk is likely to be unsuitable for persons who suffer from other conditions or injuries which would prevent them from performing the Climb. We are unable to advise you on medical conditions so if you are in any doubt as to whether or not you or your children are in a fit state of health to participate in the Dare Skywalk, we would advise you to consult with medical advisors in advance.
  9. It is your responsibility to notify us in advance of placing your Dare Skywalk booking of any special access requirements you may have. We may not be able to accommodate all access requirements if we have not been made aware of them prior to the date of the visit, which may result in you not being allowed admission or a refund. We will use reasonable endeavours to accommodate access requirements. If requested, you agree to provide a certificate of fitness from your General Practitioner, or such other medical practitioner as we may reasonably request, to confirm that you are in a fit state of health to participate in Dare Skywalk and to provide such further details about your condition as we may reasonably request in order to assist you.
  10. If you have any conditions or concerns that may impact your ability to safely complete the Dare Skywalk Climb, of which you have not notified us in advance, then you should notify us in the day of your visit. We will use reasonable endeavours to make arrangements to facilitate your Climb, however, taking into account your health and safety and that of other Climbers we may be unable to accommodate your needs and we reserve the right, without refund, to refuse to permit you to participate in Dare Skywalk, or to modify your experience if we reasonably believe that to allow entrance to Dare Skywalk would jeopardise your health and safety or that of other Climbers. Whilst we will use reasonable endeavours to accommodate access requirements, due to the unique nature of Dare Skywalk and our obligations to ensure the health and safety of all customers there may be times when we are unable to accommodate your specific needs.
  11. You will be required to confirm in the Declaration and Waiver Form that neither you nor the Supervised Children named on your Declaration and Waiver Form suffer from any medical condition which would put your health and safety or that of other Climbers at risk. If you are not the parent or guardian of Supervised Children, you must make all reasonable enquiries of the parent or legal guardian before signing the Declaration and Waiver Form. We will not have any liability to you whatsoever for any loss, damage or injury suffered by you or such Supervised Children as a result of your failure to make such reasonable enquiries unless the same is caused by our negligence or that of the Operators