Accessible Information

Matchday at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium

Access Guide
Download and read our Access Guide to matchdays at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium.

Accessible Entrance
The Accessible Entrance for away supporters is Entrance 11a. There is an accessible lift adjacent to the matchday ticket office for visiting supporters that will take you from street level to the Entrance.
Ahead of the fixture, our Access team will contact your Club to confirm how many supporters require audio descriptive commentary and radio assistive hearing loops.
Once we are aware of the demand, we shall equip this Entrance with the devices required. On entry to the stadium, stewards will be able to assist you with signing for the equipment. All equipment should be returned to Entrance 11a post-match.

Viewing Areas
The visitors’ section is in the North East Corner of the stadium, Blocks 114 – 118 and Block 234.
Blocks 114, 115 and 118 have a selection of easy access seats for ambulant disabled supporters.
Block 234 has 26 wheelchair accessible spaces where visiting supporters can be accompanied by personal assistants.
These numbers can increase subject to competition rules, where allocations may be higher.

Blue Badge Parking
There are six Blue Badge car parking spaces available for visiting supporters. To request a space, please contact your Club, who will then confirm to us who is eligible. Parking permits will be issued via email in advance of the matchday. Parking permits must be printed and displayed in your vehicle alongside your Blue Badge at all times.

Accessible Toilets
There are three accessible toilets in the visitors’ section, all of which can be accessed with a RADAR key (Please speak to a Steward if one is required).
There are also Changing Places toilets available within the stadium. Please advise us prior to the game if this facility is required so we can give you access.
There is a dog spending area outside Entrance 11, adjacent to the accessible lift. Please advise us prior to the game if this facility is required.

Food & Drink
All food and drink concessions are fitted with lowered counters and hearing loop systems.
If you have any specific medical requirements or exemptions for food, then please contact our Access Team before your arrival.