Need Support on Matchday?

We want everyone attending the Stadium to have the best possible experience. This page outlines what you can do if you need support on any event day.

What you can do if you feel unsafe

Please let us know immediately:

1) Speak to one of our stewards (who will be wearing high visibility jackets)
and / or

2) Text 07537404821 and let us know:

  • Why you feel unsafe
  • Where you are located
  • Seat / Row / Block
  • Offender description
  • Witness details

Please let us know so that we can:

  1. ACT quickly to STOP any harm
  2. Provide SUPPORT
  3. SECURE evidence
    (e.g., rotating cameras onto the area of concern to support any police action).

The Stadium Safety Team can access specialist assistance quickly if required, including security, medical, welfare, and safeguarding support.

Reasons you may need help could include:

  • A separated child or adult

  • Concerns about someone’s welfare

  • Aggressive or frightening behaviour

  • Discriminatory abuse
    (e.g., racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, able-ism, age-ism, abuse related to culture, religion, faith, nationality, etc)

  • Sexual harassment & assault
    (including, staring, unwanted and offensive comments, following, assault, up-skirting, and rape)

  • Domestic abuse, coercive control, and stalking

  • Potential crimes being committed (e.g., drug use, use of pyrotechnics, theft, etc)

    This list is not exhaustive – there may be other reasons.

Match & Event Day Welfare & Safeguarding

Our Welfare & Safeguarding team is on hand to respond to any concerns relating to the welfare of any individual at the Stadium. Our staff are trained in trauma-informed practice and can liaise with other agencies such as the police.

Children in the Stadium

  • Our Welfare & Safeguarding team is on hand to assist the safety team with any concerns relating to children’s safety and wellbeing.
  • As part of our duty of care, our staff will share information with children’s services local to the child where it is deemed necessary.

Children in the Stadium

  • To ensure wellbeing and safety, all children under the age of 14 must always be accompanied and supervised by a responsible adult (aged 18+).

Staying Safe

Ensure that someone knows about your plans to attend the Stadium and keep them updated regarding your whereabouts and travel plans. Consider sharing your live location with them for the duration of the event and your journey home.

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