Promoting the Welfare of Children and Adults

Report Concerns
If you are worried about the wellbeing or safety of a child, adult, or concerns about risk posed by a member of staff/volunteer/someone in a position of trust, please contact the Club & Foundation’s Safeguarding team immediately by clicking the button below.
*Please note this email address is managed during normal working hours.
On a matchday, please approach any steward or member of staff to ask for support.
If you need an urgent response, you may need to get support from others:
- If the concern requires immediate protection from harm, please dial 999, and ask for police or dial 55 if you cannot speak.
- Police (non-emergency): Call 101 to report a crime to local police.
- Call 111 when you need medical advice.

Key Safeguarding Roles
Please find key Safeguarding contacts below:
Strategic Safeguarding Lead, Matthew Collecott (Operations & Finance Director & Executive Board member): safeguarding@tottenhamhotspur.com
Head of Safeguarding, Amy McLeod: 07786 186824, safeguarding@tottenhamhotspur.com
Senior Events Safeguarding Manager, Karen Bright: 07918 305242, safeguarding@tottenhamhotspur.com
Academy Safeguarding Manager, Tim Ford:
07392080266, Tim.ford@tottenhamhotspur.com
Foundation Safeguarding Manager, Natalee Maynard:
07384258758, Natalee.maynard@tottenhamhotspur.com,
Women & Girls Safeguarding Manager, Sandra Barratt:
07384818062, Sandra.barratt@tottenhamhotspur.com
Global Football Development Operations & Safeguarding Manager, Lauren Cotton: 07384117643, Lauren.cotton@tottenhamhotspur.com
The Safeguarding Board is chaired by the Senior Safeguarding Lead, and members include Chief People Officer, Chief Football Officer, CEO Tottenham Hotspur Foundation, Director HR, Director Legal, Academy Director, Managing Director of Women & Girls, Director Third-Party Events & Visitor Attractions, Head of PR, Head of Global Football Development, and Head of Safeguarding & Welfare.
We have a developing network of Safeguarding Champions and Designated Safeguarding Officers across the Club and Foundation who support and progress safeguarding best practice and culture across all areas of the business.
Key Club Policies
For independent advice and support:
- NSPCC football helpline: 0800 023 2642 operating Monday to Friday 8am to 10pm and Saturday to Sunday 9am to 6pm.
- The National Association for People Abused in Childhood (NAPAC) can also be contacted by calling 0808 801 0331 or by visiting their website.
Who | Organisation |
Description |
Contact Number |
Website |
Helplines for children and young people (up to the age of 18) | ChildLine |
Childline is a free, private and confidential place for you to be you. Whatever your worry, you can get the help you need in the way you want it. |
Call 0800 1111 (24 hours / free) |
childline.org.uk |
Adults concerned about a child |
If you are worried about a child and need advice or information. |
Call 0808 800 5000 (24 hours / free) |
NSPCC.org.uk |
Emotional support (for both children and adults) |
Samaritans | Samaritans is available round the clock, every single day of the year. Talk to us any time you like in your own way and off the record, about whatever’s getting to you. | Call us free any time on 116 123 Or email jo@samaritans.org | Find your nearest branch on Samaritans.org |
Affected by crime |
Victim Support |
Victim Support provides free, confidential advice and practical help to anyone affected by any crime, no matter how long ago it took place, or whether it was reported to the police or not. |
Call free on the VS Supportline 08 08 16 89 111. Call Mon-Fri 8pm – 8 am. Weekends 24 hour service. | victimsupport.org.uk |
Older adults | The Silver Line | The Silver Line Helpline is the only national, free and confidential helpline for lonely and isolated older people; offering information, advice and friendship. | Call 0800 4 70 80 90 (24 hours/free) | thesilverline.org.uk |
Adults with learning disabilities |
Respond |
Supports children and adults with learning difficulties, and their families / carers affected by trauma and abuse. |
Call Mon-Fri, 1.30pm-5pm 0808 808 0700 (Free) |
respond.org.uk |
Adults with sensory impairment |
Action for Blind People | Practical help and support for blind people and people with visual impairments/difficulties. | Call Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm RNIB Helpline 0303 123 9999 | actionforblindpeople.org.uk |
Deafblind | Services and practical help for deafblind people. |
Call 0800 132 320 (24 hours) |
deafblind.org.uk | |
Adults with mental health problems |
Mind | Help for people with mental health concerns. | Call Mon-Fri, 9am-6pm 0300 123 3393 | mind.org.uk |
Adults affected by dementia |
Alzheimer's Society | Help for people with dementia and their family, friends and carers. |
Call 0300 222 1122 |
alzheimers.org.uk |