Project Background
Project Background
Our Vision
"We see regeneration as bringing hope, prosperity and uplift to Tottenham, embracing the local community, building on the character and talents of the area. Our vision is that our neighbourhood is a prosperous mixed community. If you live here you should be able to study, work and play here.
"We want to change the prospects for those that live in this part of London and see our developments, starting with our new stadium but including everything we build in Tottenham, as a catalyst for its regeneration.
"That is why we have delivered new, affordable homes, schools, shops and jobs alongside our stadium and embedded our Foundation onto the High Road.
"Unlike any developer, we are not here to develop, take a profit and leave – we are here for the long-term. This is our home."
Daniel Levy, Chairman, Tottenham Hotspur
A record of delivery for Tottenham
We are proud of our track record of delivering new homes, schools and community benefits and facilities in Tottenham. We have already delivered new homes, of which more than 70% are affordable homes, schools and community benefits for north Tottenham and our new stadium has seen over 3,000 jobs generated for local residents.
At Cannon Road, which directly borders The Depot to the north, we delivered 222 new homes, all 100% affordable, in partnership with Newlon Housing Trust, as well as new buildings and facilities for Brook House Primary School. Many residents from the Love Lane Estate have since chosen to move into the Rivers Apartments within the scheme.
At 500 White Hart Lane, a development we completed in 2020 which included 144 market and affordable homes and employment space, Haringey Council have agreed to acquire the affordable homes to provide Love Lane Estate residents with more relocation options.
An additional 34 new homes, all affordable, were delivered at Berland Court in Northumberland Park alongside high-quality street-level retail space and Kingdom Hall, a community place of worship.
All three developments have provided much needed new homes for local people and have proved to be great places to live.
We are also a proud supporter of the thriving London Academy of Excellence (LAE) Tottenham which provides a state-funded education to the brightest local children taught by outstanding teachers and supported by top independent schools. LAE Tottenham was recently named The Sunday Times Sixth Form College of the Year, with an incredible 66% of its students winning places at Russell Group Universities following last year’s A-Level results, including six at Oxford and five at Cambridge. A further ten students have been offered Oxbridge places in the next academic year, with more than 80% holding offers to Russell Group Universities.
We also continue to expand the work of the Tottenham Hotspur Foundation which provides education and employment pathways to create life-changing opportunities for children, groups and individuals within our communities.
And with our new stadium, we have created a new landmark in London, one that is truly global, and one that will stage the world’s two most popular sports, Premier League football and NFL, along with many other sports and world-class entertainment. As a result, the area will see a massive influx of tourism and visitors – we have the third-largest conference facilities in London, you can climb the roof with the Dare Skywalk attraction, we will have a museum and soon a hotel.
Tottenham Hotspur Stadium
Meet the team
F3 is an experienced and top tier architecture practice and have been tasked with designing the 867-879 High Road scheme. They are known for designing outstanding buildings and elegant and contemporary spaces that bring together the surrounding environment. They have supported the Club on a range of other projects from 500 White Hart Lane and the new Club Training Centre to Lilywhite House and different elements in the new Tottenham Hotspur Stadium.
Arup is an independent firm of designers, planners, engineers, consultants and technical specialists, working across every aspect of today’s built environment. Arup has been the designer and engineer behind some of the world’s most ambitious structures and developed the High Road West Masterplan for Tottenham. At 867-879 High Road, they are advising on the masterplan of the area ensuring the creation of a sustainable place in balance with the aspirations of the community.
Re-form is a landscape architecture practice that designs and creates vibrant spaces, by understanding a community’s values, needs and aspirations. They are designing the public realm elements of 867-879 High Road, including the new public park, and aim to develop a sustainable environment that reflects the area’s identity and inspires the community.
North Tottenham Regeneration
The Club owns these three sites (Goods Yard, The Depot and Printworks) and intends to develop our land to deliver much-needed homes and meet the aspirations for the area, complementing our existing £1bn investment to date in north Tottenham.
We firmly believe that the success and vibrancy of this area are integral to supporting existing businesses and attracting new investment to Tottenham.
Planning Context
The site is located within LB Haringey’s North Tottenham Growth Area and has been specifically identified by Haringey Council as suitable for significant regeneration to create a sustainable new neighbourhood that includes new homes, public open space and leisure activities alongside a wider mix of supporting commercial uses.
Our proposals on display align with the site requirements and development guidelines set out for the site within the adopted Tottenham Area Action Plan and with the general principles established by an adopted masterplan, prepared by Arup in September 2014.
Existing planning permissions
The Club has previously secured two planning permissions to redevelop the Goods Yard and The Depot sites, as follows:
- Goods Yard: a hybrid planning consent for up to 316 new homes, employment, retail, leisure and community uses.
- The Depot: a hybrid planning consent for up to 330 new homes, retail and new public open space.
We are bringing forward proposals for the Printworks site for the first time.
Our new proposals
We have taken the time and considered feedback to develop and enhance our already consented plans. Where our original plans would deliver 646 new homes and a new park across two sites, our refreshed proposals will deliver close to 1,000 much-needed new homes, including affordable homes, and a new park, workspaces, and commercial spaces across three sites.
Our existing planning permissions were planned independently of each other. There is now a genuine opportunity to reconsider the Goods Yard and The Depot, together with the Printworks site, optimising their development potential in a positive and appropriate manner.
By considering these sites together, we will be able to build on existing plans to deliver an even better development for Tottenham by maximising the benefits to the local community and responding positively to the need for more homes for local people.

Sustainable design
Both THFC and architects F3 have a proven track record of delivering sustainable schemes of the highest design quality in Tottenham, creating successful places where people want to live. These sites will be no different.
Our residential-led proposals align with all the requirements set out by Haringey Council and seek to be a demonstration of high quality, comfortable and sustainable housing.
Supportive infrastructure has been included throughout our designs to ensure the capability to generate heat, hot water and electricity on-site in an affordable and environmentally friendly manner, enabling a high level of sustainability for our development.
Through the careful use of natural light, efficient design, external amenity space, bicycle storage, green spaces and the use of appropriate building material, we are able to create a comfortable, healthy and sustainable environment for visitors to the sites, neighbouring communities, and new residents alike.