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Your Future

A Foundation programme that uses sport to combat the effects of violence

In light of the latest government advice on COVID-19, we have suspended delivery of all programmes involving direct social contact until further notice.

We are fully aware of how important Foundation programmes are to the health and wellbeing of participants – where possible, we shall endeavour to maintain contact with participants to offer support and advice during this difficult time.

Read more.

Providing a Sports Participation Pathway

Your Future is supported by Children in Need and delivered in partnership with North Middlesex University Hospital and Whittington Hospital. It aims to engage and help young people who have experienced injury or trauma through violence via a sport-based mentoring project.

Young people who are admitted in relation to incidents of youth violence are directed by the healthcare professionals to speak with a Foundation mentor.

The Foundation mentor has an initial meeting with the young person and their parent/carer to assess their needs. The young person would then be offered the opportunity to engage in a range of provision available in their area that the Foundation or one of our partners is delivering.

The programme uses the power of the tracksuit to engage some of the most difficult to reach members of society and signpost them through education and on to training, volunteering and employment programmes through the Club.

Young people who are admitted in relation to incidents of youth violence are directed by the healthcare professionals to speak with a Foundation mentor.

Once they agree to be part of the programme, the A&E Safeguarding lead makes an official referral to Foundation's Your Future programme. One-to-one follow up sessions will be held every two weeks with the young person to evaluate their progress throughout the programme.

Group sessions are also held which include workshops on topics relevant to the lives of young people such as anti-knife crime, conflict resolution, sexual health awareness, employment and sports development tailored to the participants' needs.

Your Future - Andrew's Story

Young Spurs fan Andrew ended up in A+E after an altercation at school before being referred to the Your Future programme – a mentoring project in partnership with Whittington Hospital which engages young people who have experienced injury or trauma through violence.

The subsequent mentoring Andrew received from Rakim at the Foundation resulted in improved behaviour and a series of awards from teachers. Andrew’s mum Kirsten is amazed by the transformation, crediting the influence of the Club and its ability to relate to him.