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Foundation hosts Start Something bootcamp to help local young entrepreneurs launch their businesses

Fri 13 September 2024, 13:45|Tottenham Hotspur

Tottenham Hotspur Foundation is aiming to support aspiring entrepreneurs to launch 25 startups in Haringey and Enfield over the next two years by establishing a new business-building bootcamp.

Plans for the free eight-week course were unveiled at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium last night, with a reception at which some of the first participants received expert advice.

Start Something has been designed for local residents aged 18 to 30 to develop business ideas, receive training in entrepreneurship through group workshops, and get one-to-one support to launch and further develop their business.

Activities will be delivered by Enterprise Nation, with Club partner funding the programme through its social impact arm, Supports, and helping to mentor participants.

At the culmination of the eight weeks, each young entrepreneur will have the chance to win up to £1,000 for their businesses through a Dragon’s Den-style pitch at the Stadium.

There will be three cohorts over the next two years, with the first beginning their journey in October.

Among participants will be Omari Ismail, 25, from Barnet, who wants to create a product in support of young athletes who fall shy of making it to elite level.

He found out about the programme through the Foundation’s jobs fair at the Stadium in July and subsequently received a call inviting him to take part whilst on holiday in Ireland.

He said: “I was so excited, I was pacing up and down – people were giving me strange looks!

“I previously worked full-time in hospitality, but the hours were awful. I had to leave as I realised I needed more time to develop and evolve my ideas.

“I think most people assume entrepreneurial jobs are a couple of hours a week, but if anything you’re working more than full-time to get your business off the ground.

“Start Something feels like where I need to be. I’m a creative person, but no-one’s really wanted to help in terms of how to take my ideas forward until now.”

Another of the first participants will be Sharday Reid, 24, from Haringey, who has also taken part in the Foundation’s Shape Up with Spurs, Spurred 2 Coach and Level Up Network programmes.

She said: “When I left school, I jumped into the world thinking it was a big playground and got humbled quite quickly!

“The Foundation has made a very big impact in my life, so I’d like to be able to give back and spread that to the community.

“I’d love to have my own gym, with a little side café as I love baking and cooking.”

Start Something is the Foundation’s first programme to focus on entrepreneurship, adding to the jobs fairs, internship and work placement opportunities, and mentoring networks run by its employment and skills team.

Damian Zabielski, who manages the team, said: “We’re really proud of our record supporting the Club and the Stadium to help drive employment opportunities in the local area.

“We’re always keen to increase the reach of our work and it’s fantastic is giving us the chance to help young people in the community turn their ideas and dreams for businesses into reality, hopefully providing a further boost for the local economy.”

James Newman, chief corporate affairs officer, said: “Our mission as a company is to use technology and innovation to build and empower communities. Access to employment opportunities is essential for individuals and communities to progress. That’s why supporting entrepreneurs and business initiatives is a key pillar of our work at Supports.

“We are delighted to be a part of this bootcamp and can’t wait to engage with these young entrepreneurs, to learn about the projects and ideas they are working on.”

For more information about the programme and to register for future Start Something cohorts click here.