Supporting Green Football Weekend - renewable energy
Fri 26 January 2024, 09:30|
Tottenham Hotspur
Tottenham Hotspur is proud to be supporting Green Football Weekend, a campaign to raise awareness of how individual action can take the fight to climate change.
In the lead up to Green Football Weekend (2-5 February), the Club will be highlighting steps fans can take to reduce their own carbon footprint in a number of areas, with the help of expert environmental journalist, Anna Turns.
In this segment, Anna takes us through ways that we can make the move to renewable energy at home...
What the Club does
The Club’s facilities are at the forefront of innovation when it comes renewable energy.
- The Club has achieved 100% certified renewable energy and zero scope 2 emissions at its stadium, with REGO-backed electricity and carbon neutral gas provided to the stadium by Brook Green Supply.
- The Club has put technologies in place throughout its Training Centre to deliver 100% renewable energy to the development, including 75m2 Solar Panels (pictured above) and air source heat pumps.
- Machinery used by our ground staff is electric.
- All food deliveries made to our stadium now carry zero carbon emissions. Deliveries are made by an all-electric refrigerated semi-trailer with an all-electric tractor unit and solar powered fridge.
Anna's tips
“We urgently need to wean ourselves off polluting fossil fuels such as oil, gas and coal by switching to cleaner, greener renewables like solar, wind, biomass and hydro power. While industry and businesses have major roles to play in this transition, so too do individuals.
“Imagine if every Spurs fan switched to a credible provider of renewable energy – it’s quick and easy to do and collectively, the positive impacts would be enormous, plus it could be cheaper in the long-term too.”
Top tips
- CLEAN UP YOUR ENERGY SUPPLY - Switch to an energy provider that guarantees 100% renewables
- CHEAP, CHEAP - Pre-set your washing machine and other appliances for off-peak times at night.
- JOIN A COOPERATIVE - Join a community-owned energy scheme that generates solar power from panels on the rooftops across your local neighbourhood. (For more info: https://communityenergyengland.org/)
Visit https://www.greenfootballweekend.com/ to take an individual action or pledge against climate change.