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Thu 22 February 2024, 17:30|Tottenham Hotspur

Spurs Women captain Bethany England visited the Tottenham Hotspur Foundation’s Move 4 You programme for people living with cancer on Thursday.

Bethany took part in light circuit-based exercises and a Q&A on all things football and health with the group at Southbury Leisure Centre in Enfield.

Move 4 You is a finalist in the upcoming London Football Awards, in the category of Community Project of the Year.

It is a programme of 12 physical activity sessions for residents of Haringey, Enfield and surrounding boroughs who have had a cancer diagnosis in the last five years.

Sessions run one to one and in groups, as well as online, and are tailored according to the needs of each individual.

They typically involve light stretching and circuit-based exercises, with equipment such as dumbbells and kettlebells.

Once complete, participants are supported to continue being active through referrals to open gym classes, yoga sessions and other group activities.

Excited to be joined by Bethany on Thursday was Spurs fan Emily Candler, who joined Move 4 U last year after being diagnosed with cancer in February 2020.

She said: “Finding Move 4 U, with it being Spurs, my people, was transformational for me. It’s genuinely felt like the only upside to getting diagnosed with cancer, helping my physical and mental health. I don’t know where I’d be without it.”

Bethany said: “I’ve loved today’s Move 4 U session. I think it’s an amazing programme the Foundation are helping these people with by getting them moving, in both group and individual activities. It’s shining a light that these people can achieve their goals and carry on living their life.

“I think it’s vital the community offers these things because not everyone knows that access is always there, and obviously being the Foundation it’s free to attend, taking the pressure off people. I think it’s amazing what the Foundation is doing, because without that a lot of people would struggle.

“The participants were great. They put me in the hot seat with a few questions! They’re amazing, they’re the ones fighting the battle every day and I couldn’t be prouder to meet them and hear their own experiences.”

Adam Millar, Foundation programme coordinator, said: “Move 4 You is about building people’s confidence to help them be physically active, manage their health and hopefully experience fewer side effects of treatment.

“We’re really excited to have been nominated in the London Football Awards and it was great to have Bethany along today to see exactly why. Our participants really enjoyed spending time with her.”

To register your interest in and find out more about Move 4 U email