Students present ideas to protect the planet at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium
Thu 13 July 2023, 16:00|
Tottenham Hotspur
Tottenham Hotspur Foundation today (Thursday) hosted schools representing football clubs from across our region at the stadium for a celebration event of this year’s Premier League Inspires Challenge.
Premier League Inspires is a programme delivered by all club Foundations in secondary schools, empowering students to develop personal, social, employability and life-skills through a series of regular face-to-face group sessions, mentoring, workshops and social-action projects.
The theme of this year’s challenge is environmental sustainability. At the event, schools showcased their social-action projects, with Spurs represented by students from St Anne's Catholic High School for Girls.
Their idea was a ‘wear your own clothes day’ at school, with all participants donating £1 to Friends of the Earth. They also carried out workshops where students made artworks from recycled plastics, which are now on display in the school.
Club Ambassador, Ledley King, was a special guest at the event and said: “I’ve been watching videos the young people have produced about ways they can help the planet - it’s fantastic as this is our future generation, so thinking about these things at an early age is important.
“It took me back to being in school, working as a team - I’ve seen kids who weren’t close before have now become friends through this project.”
Tottenham Hotspur has been recognised as the Premier League’s greenest club in the Sport Positive league table rankings for the past four years, with the Club committed to halving greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and becoming net zero by 2040.
Ledley commended students on taking steps to protect the planet and believes we all have a role to play in addressing the wider issue of climate change.
He added: “Some people are unsure about what they can do to make a difference. My advice is to start small, educate yourself and keep those actions going through life.
“I’ve been fortunate to learn from what the Club does. The power of football can send a strong message, something we try to do, making sure our fans are aware of green travel options, recycling at the stadium – we’ve seen a lot of our fans take this on board and into their daily lives.”
To find more about the Club’s sustainability work, visit: https://www.tottenhamhotspur.com/the-stadium/passionate-about-our-planet/