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Thu 03 August 2023, 10:15|Tottenham Hotspur

The Q&A section of our popular Diary Room feature running throughout our Asia-Pacific Tour gave us a little insight into the players' lives, on and off the pitch.

We lined-up five pots of questions, 10 questions in each, with subjects ranging from the Tour itself through to 'Life' and 'Pot Luck'.

We've been running their answers here on over the last week - next up, Oliver Skipp...


If you could have sat next to anyone on our flight to Perth, who would it have been?

Skippy: “I think someone like Nelson Mandela. He had such an inspirational story. Also, I studied South Africa history at A Level, so, to get a glimpse into his life, that would have taken up all those hours and then some!”


What are your first impressions of your new team-mates?

Skippy: “They’ve all settled in really well, all brought their different personalities to the table and really integrated into the group. I think this is an easy group to settle into, hopefully we’ve made them all feel welcome, and that’s something I think this group is really good at. You’ve already seen Madders’ personality, Destiny, Manor, Vic as well, it will be interesting to see what they all bring to the group. It’s always exciting when you meet your new team-mates.”


What qualities do you like to see in a team-mate?

Skippy: “Someone you can trust, able to lift people through good and bad, and someone who is good fun to be around. That’s important, because we travel so much and we’re away quite often, so you want someone who can lift individuals, plus the whole group. It’s important to have a variety of characters, that can really translate to the pitch.”


What did you want to be when you were growing up?

Skippy: “Interesting... obviously a footballer, but it was slightly different for me because my parents always let me be what I wanted, it wasn’t necessarily drummed into me, I was allowed to do whatever I wanted to, I played loads of sport growing up, so, a sportsman of some type would have been on my agenda. I was just better at football than anything else! I always loved all sports, so any type of sportsman would have been the dream.”

Pot luck

Would you go on ‘I’m A Celebrity...’ in the jungle?

Skippy: “I actually think I would. The toughest thing would be the boredom, and the lack of food! We all love our food! People underestimate how tough that (lack of food) would be in there. I like to think I’d be okay with some of the challenges, although some of the eating challenges look horrendous. I think I’d be alright, I wouldn’t be ‘afraid’ to go on it.”

Watch - Skippy in the Diary Room

Go deeper - Skippy on our Off The Shelf podcast