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Thu 27 April 2023, 11:00|Tottenham Hotspur

Ryan Mason spoke about the importance of togetherness and belief as he prepares to face Manchester United and Liverpool over the next four days.

First up, this evening’s cracker against United at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium (8.15pm) followed by Sunday’s trip to Anfield (4.30pm), crucial games as we bid to climb back up the Premier League table.

Here’s what our Acting Head Coach had to say when he spoke to SPURSPLAY on Wednesday…

Ryan on - togetherness...

“It’s big now, and always important. I don’t believe you can be successful if you’re not together for one, inside this training centre, but then also as a whole, as a Club, because (otherwise) it becomes difficult. For us, we need to get the fans with us, we know that, because they’re disappointed with us and how the game went at the weekend. Ultimately, I’ve no doubt that if they know the players out there have desire, showing the will to run for the shirt, we’ll have them with us.”

Ryan's priority - a reaction

Ryan Mason told us his number one priority after taking over as Acting Head Coach this week...

Ryan on - belief...

“I believe in all my players, absolutely, and I wouldn’t want any of them to feel like I don’t. I need to transfer that to the players and more importantly the players need to feel that together as well. They need to help each other to understand the situation we’re in. We’ve six really big games to try and finish this season as well as possible and hopefully set us up for a good summer and pre-season next season. The main focus is on Thursday and Sunday, two big games.”

This is a team that can cause us problems, but also a team who we can cause problems as well

Ryan on United

Ryan on - United...

“It will be difficult, absolutely. This is a team that can cause us problems, but also a team who we can cause problems as well. We’ll approach the game confident and have belief we can win it. We respect them, like we respect every team in this division, because it’s relentless, tough and if you’re not 100 per cent at it as a group we’ve seen not just with us, but with every team, it’s tough to win games. We’re aware of that and that’s our main focus as we approach this game.”

Watch - Ryan on SPURSPLAY

More on United - Ryan's presser