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Reminder of Sanctions and Banning Policy

Thu 04 August 2022, 08:00|Tottenham Hotspur

Following last week's joint statement by the Football Association, Premier League, English Football League and Football Supporters' Association regarding anti-social and criminal behaviour at football matches, the Club has updated its Sanctions and Banning Policy.

The policy outlines the framework of offences and corresponding sanctions to give supporters clarity on how transgressions will be dealt with.

It also outlines the process through which supporters can appeal a sanction.

All supporters agree to adhere to the terms of the Sanctions and Banning Policy as part of the Membership Terms and Conditions when purchasing a membership or match ticket.

Entering the pitch and use of pyrotechnics

The joint statement has specifically identified entering the pitch, the possession and use of pyrotechnics and smoke bombs, drug use and discriminatory behaviour.

Supporters committing these offences may be subject to an indefinite Club ban under the terms of the Club's Sanctions and Banning Policy and may receive criminal convictions. Bans may also be extended to accompanying parents or guardians of children who take part in these activities.

The Football Association will also be enforcing a tougher charging and sanctioning policy for clubs to reinforce these measures.

Away match tickets

The misuse of away match tickets is a regular source of frustration for supporters who do not qualify for them but observe them being passed on or sold via social media and other avenues. As a result these genuine supporters who may otherwise qualify for a ticket are denied the opportunity to support the team away from home.

Supporters found to have passed on or sold a ticket for face value or below will receive a written warning and a 50% reduction of Ticketing Points. Supporters found to have sold a ticket for above face value will receive an indefinite ban and loss of all Ticketing Points.

To tackle this misuse, the Club reserves the right to randomly select supporters to collect their away match tickets from the host venue on the day of a match. In such situations the host venue will be instructed to only release individual tickets to the named ticket holder as advised by Tottenham Hotspur.