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2021/22 Season Ticket renewals update

Wed 07 April 2021, 15:38|Tottenham Hotspur

As restrictions begin to lift and we look ahead to a brighter future beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, the Club can now confirm it will open Season Ticket renewals for the 2021/22 season on Monday 12 April.

All Season Ticket Holders, including those that deferred for the 2020/21 season on COVID-19 related medical grounds and supporters on our Access Scheme, will be contacted via email and SMS when renewals are open with details on how to renew online.

Throughout this period, so many of you have told us how much you have missed the whole matchday experience including catching up with fellow fans – we cannot wait to welcome you back into the stadium again.

2021/22 Season Ticket renewals update

• Season Ticket renewals for 2021/22 to open on Monday 12 April
• Prices are frozen, with the 20% renewal fee paid for 2020/21 automatically carried over and deducted from the full amount of a 2021/22 Season Ticket
• Deadline for renewals is 5pm on Thursday 3 June
• As previously announced, our general admission ticketing operation is now fully digital, with all adult supporters required to complete our ID validation process

The deadline for renewals is 5pm on Thursday 3 June, ensuring the payment window spans two pay dates for the majority of supporters.

The deadline is fixed and, once it has passed, supporters on our Season Ticket waiting list will be contacted and offered the chance to purchase from available seats for 2021/22.

Season Ticket Holders who are unable to return to the Stadium next season are advised to contact us.

While Government guidance has stipulated that it is the aim that all restrictions on social contact will cease from June 21, should this change and we are not permitted to open at full capacity for a specific Premier League fixture, then we shall offer a pro-rata refund to anyone affected based on 1/19th of the total value of their Season Ticket. All refunds would be available on a monthly basis.

Pricing and Payment

Season Ticket prices are frozen for 2021/22. The 20% renewal fee paid by supporters for the 2020/21 season will be carried over and automatically deducted from the full 2021/22 renewal amount.

Outstanding credits held in supporters’ online accounts - including money credited from the end of the 2019/20 season - can also be used towards your Season Ticket renewal. Fans wishing to spread the cost of payment over a 10-month period are able to do so via V12 Finance. For further details, please visit Ask Spurs.

Digital Ticketing & ID Validation

As previously announced, and as successfully implemented for our reduced-capacity home matches last December, our general admission ticketing process is now fully digital.

Season Ticket cards previously in circulation will no longer work and entry to the stadium can now only be gained via the mobile device to which your match ticket is delivered. To support this, and to ensure supporter safety and security, we have been asking all adult Season Ticket Holders to complete our online ID validation process.

Any adult Season Ticket Holder that is yet to complete this process, including those that deferred on COVID-19 medical grounds for 2020/21, must do so before the renewal deadline for their Season Ticket to be activated for next season. Season Ticket Holders who have completed the process will not be required to do so again.

This also includes all Season Ticket Holders that have turned 18 since the ID validation process began last summer – these supporters will be contacted directly with clear steps on how to complete the process. Further information for Season Ticket Holders currently under the age of 18 will be provided in due course.

Season Ticket Holders who do not own a suitable device will be issued with guidance on entering the Stadium on match days.

We are aware that Season Tickets are often held in the names of previous purchasers or one family member, we shall therefore continue to offer a one-time amnesty period until the end of the renewal period to ensure every Season Ticket is registered in the name of the individual using it.

Supporters needing to register the correct name on their Season Ticket account should follow the ID validation process first and submit the required ID for the individual who will be using the Season Ticket on matchdays. No further requests for changes of ownership will be accepted beyond the renewal period.

Season Ticket Holders wishing to share their ticket with friends or family members can use Ticket Share, which will be activated when we return to a full stadium, at which point Ticket Exchange will also be available.

We shall soon be contacting all One Hotspur Members to complete the ID validation process ahead of match tickets becoming available to this group.

Personal data for ID validation will be held by the Club for no more than 31 days at which point it will be automatically purged. For more information, please visit our Privacy Policy.

For any further questions on our ID validation and digital ticketing processes, please visit Ask Spurs. We thank all supporters for their co-operation.

Seat relocations

Throughout this period without fans attending matches, the Club has been working to accommodate as many seat relocation requests from our Season Ticket Holders as possible, with priority given to those with medical requirements.

We have retained the relocation requests we have been unable to assist with this season and will revisit them during the renewal cycle. If we are able to offer relocations, we shall contact supporters in order depending on the date of their original submission, starting with the earliest.

Supporters are politely asked not to contact us to re-request their relocation during this time and are reminded they must renew their existing seat. We shall not be accepting any new seat relocation requests at this time.

We thank you for your patience and co-operation in this matter.

Please visit Ask Spurs should you have any further questions around the Season Ticket renewal process.

Executive Members

We should like to thank all Executive Members who have already extended their Membership beyond the end of this season, and those on pre-existing multi-year contracts. Your continued support is greatly appreciated.

If your Executive Membership contract is coming to an end and you have not yet renewed, but may still wish to do so, please contact your Account Manager or e-mail the team at to discuss your options.

All Executive Members will be contacted separately by the Premium team in due course regarding payment requirements and dates.

Tottenham Hotspur Women

Season Ticket Holders for Tottenham Hotspur Women will be contacted directly in due course with full details on renewals.

Thank you

Our Chairman, Daniel Levy, says: “We should once again like to take this opportunity to thank our fans for their continued patience and co-operation throughout what has been an incredibly challenging time for us all.

“Our Season Ticket Holders that are now being invited to renew for the 2021/22 season are the same fans that were with us for our last home match played to a full capacity all the way back in March, 2020.

“We are proud of our passionate and loyal fanbase and we cannot wait to see you back in the stadium where you belong as soon as possible.

“You deserve that moment when we are part of a packed Tottenham Hotspur Stadium and fully enjoying the matchday experience again. This vision has seemed like a distant possibility on so many occasions, yet we have never given up hope that we would one day be in a position to say, with a degree of certainty, it is time to welcome you all back home.

“For this, we give thanks to our NHS, our key workers and all those involved in the roll-out of the national vaccination programme.

“We look forward to seeing you all again soon.”