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Grounds staff lend a hand at Enfield Town FC

Tue 12 May 2020, 10:29|Tottenham Hotspur

The Club is showing its support for one of its local non-league sides during these most challenging of times.

Members of our Grounds staff were sent to assist at the Queen Elizabeth II Stadium on Donkey Lane, home of Enfield Town FC.

The Isthmian League Premier Division outfit face an uncertain future due to the impact of COVID-19 across football.

So, our Grounds staff were there to lend a helping hand in maintaining Enfield’s pitch for when football can safely return.

The Club was able to bring its high-tech pitch care equipment over from its nearby Training Centre at Hotspur Way.

Work carried out involved aerating and top dressing the goal areas and touchlines, followed by an over-seeding and watering of the surface to give the grass the best possible chance of survival during the summer months.

Christine Hamilton, Director, Enfield Town FC, said: “A big thank you Tottenham Hotspur Football Club for their help with our pitch during these difficult times. The team carried out the remedial works to both goal areas, touch lines and the odd patch in the middle. All areas were aerated, seeded, fertilised and top dressed.

“As a club owned and run by our fans, we are so grateful for this help and support and look forward to continuing our positive partnership in the near future when we come out of these difficult times.”

The Club shares a strong bond with Enfield Town FC, supporting fundraisers throughout the year and annually sending a Development Squad side to compete in a pre-season friendly at Queen Elizabeth II Stadium.