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Tue 19 May 2020, 14:00|Tottenham Hotspur

In an exclusive catch-up with Sophie Mclean, we speak about how her recovery from injury is progressing and how she’s been keeping herself occupied during isolation.

What’s a typical day at home been like for you during lockdown?

Sophie: “I feel like I’ve been coping with it well. I’m at home in Highbury and I’m quite lucky in the sense that I am staying in a house with eight other people. It’s me, my partner, mum, dad and my brothers and sisters. I’ve got myself into such a good routine which I feel is important. I am up bright and early every day and sometimes I’ll even have my sessions done by 9am. It’s a busy household but we’ve got our own space. It’s also nice to spend quality time all together and we’re all getting along which has surprised me. I thought we’d be driving each other mad by now but it’s been great. Even at Easter, I think this was the first year I’ve been at home because I’d usually have a game on Easter Sunday, and we all got to spend that time together. We’ve been making the most of it, having fun, doing lots of cooking and I’ve been doing some work from home as well, so I am just making sure I am keeping myself busy.”  

How is rehab going?

Sophie: “I have been really motivated to get myself back playing. I am able to run now and I’ve got a park right by where I live so I’ve been going for runs around there. I know I am getting closer and closer to actually being able to play and that’s motivating me to get up each day, get on with my sessions and get stronger. Being able to run has really made a difference. Even though I’ve been working hard with my gym sessions, running is a different type of fitness and it feels good to be able to get out there and do that. We have a rehab WhatsApp group where we’ll send videos of our progress etc to help keep each other motivated. I’ve found that staying in touch with other people has definitely helped with my recovery from injury and just keeps your spirits up.”

Which team-mates are you missing the most?

Sophie: “Of course Lucia (Leon). Jess (Naz) too - we had been together pretty much every day before lockdown doing our rehab sessions so it’s been strange not seeing her in person for so long.”

What are you missing the most about football?

Sophie: “Everything about it to be honest, football takes over my whole life. Being without it for so long has been strange. I obviously miss being around all the girls too, but we are constantly in touch with one another and we’ll see each other when we have our virtual training sessions.”

Have you been watching anything interesting on TV, any recommendations?

Sophie: “Money Heist on Netflix is really good. I really love Catfish as well on MTV. When I had my operation, that’s all I watched because it was on TV all day long.”

Reading any books/ listening to any podcasts?

Sophie: “I’ve been reading a book about the creator of Nike called Shoe Dog. Someone brought it for me and it’s been the perfect time during lockdown to get started on it and I am liking it so far.”


Learning any new skills/ online courses?

Sophie: “I’ve been baking a lot and I’m really enjoying it. I’ve made a Victoria sponge, chocolate cake, lemon mousse, muffins and obviously banana bread.”

When we come out of lockdown, what’s the first thing you want to do?

Sophie: “I love Italian food, so I’ll probably go to one of my local restaurants.”