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Welcoming Little Rock Spurs

Wed 27 February 2019, 13:47|Tottenham Hotspur

We are delighted to welcome Little Rock Spurs, a new official Supporters’ Club from Arkansas in the United States of America, to our Spurs family.

This brings the total number of Spurs Supporters’ Clubs in the United States up to 82 – more than any other Premier League football club.

We currently have 197 official Supporters’ Clubs across the world, including South Korea, India, Singapore, Lebanon, Nigeria, Australia, Bermuda, South Africa, Brazil and USA. In the UK and Ireland, we have 47 clubs, stretching from Cornwall to Glasgow as well as special interest groups such as Proud Lilywhites, for our LGBT+ supporters, SpursAbility, for our disabled fans, and Armed Forces Spurs for serving and former members of the British Armed Forces.