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Study at White Hart Lane

Tue 12 August 2014, 10:53|Tottenham Hotspur

Places still left to study a Foundation Degree with Tottenham Hotspur Foundation.

Thousands of students across the country will receive their A-level results this Thursday. For those still unsure about which step to take next, why not think about studying a Foundation Degree here at White Hart Lane.

Tottenham Hotspur was the first Premier League Club to offer a Foundation Degree programme to students through Tottenham Hotspur Foundation. Since it launched in 2010, the courses have been steadily growing in popularity. Recently commended for six areas of good practice including student support and high quality work placements, Tottenham Hotspur Foundation prides itself on its unique and personal approach to Higher Education.

Courses on offer

Tottenham Hotspur Foundation runs two Foundation Degree courses:

• FdA Applied Sport and Community Development

• FdSc Applied Football Coaching and Performance

FdSc Football Coaching & Performance course is now full but there are a few remaining places on the FdA Sport and Community Development.

About the Foundation Degrees

Each year, 30 places are made available to students across Europe for each course which are both quality assured by the QAA (Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education).

One defining factor of Foundation Degree programmes is the work-based learning element on offer. Each course is designed with input from employers, helping to ensure students gain the skills, knowledge and experience required to go straight into employment after graduation.

On completion of the Foundation Degrees on offer at Tottenham Hotspur Foundation, many students go on to continue their studies to complete a BA or BSc degree, whilst others go straight into employment.

To date, a number of graduates have gone on to secure employment at Tottenham Hotspur Foundation, Tottenham Hotspur FC Academy and The Premier League. One student also went on to finish a BSc in the USA and is now staying to complete a Masters.

A day in the life of a Tottenham Hotspur Foundation student

Above, Rhys Bevan, a student now entering his second year takes you through a typical day on the Foundation Degree at Tottenham Hotspur Foundation.

Need more information? Visit or call 020 8365 5046