Limited Edition Poppy Pin Badge now on sale
Thu 19 October 2017, 17:45|
Tottenham Hotspur
The Club has once again produced a joint-branded Tottenham Hotspur and Royal British Legion limited-edition Poppy pin badge as we enter this period of Remembrance.
The pin badge will be available for fans to purchase for a minimum donation of £3 online via the Club website, in all Club retail stores and at Wembley Stadium on Sunday.
All funds raised from the sale of the pin badges will be donated to the Royal British Legion and we anticipate that stock will sell out quickly, so you can order your badge online HERE...
The badge is testament to the strength of the on-going relationship between the Club and the Legion - the UK’s leading Service charity, providing practical care, advice and support to serving members of the Armed Forces, veterans of all ages and their families.
For more information, visit www.britishlegion.org.uk.