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Big Dave's a Spur!

Fri 16 November 2001, 12:00|Tottenham Hotspur

Tottenham Hotspur (Spurs) Football Club is located in North London. The club is also known as Spurs. Tottenham's home ground is White Hart Lane. The club motto is Audere est Facere (To dare is to do).

Dave Beasant has joined the club in a two-month deal as a short-term replacement for the injured Kasey Keller.

The veteran former Wimbledon, Chelsea and Forest goalkeeper has terminated his contract at Portsmouth to hook up with Glenn Hoddle and return to the Premiership.

The formalities were completed this afternoon and he is set to go straight onto the bench as cover for number one Neil Sullivan in the biggest game of the season so far - Saturday's derby against Arsenal at the Lane.

"I'm delighted to be here," said Dave at Spurs Lodge this afternoon. "It's come as a bit of a surprise.

"Glenn contacted me directly, knew my situation at Portsmouth and asked if I fancied coming here. I didn't hesitate.

"It's not a loan deal. I've terminated my contract at Portsmouth to come here.

"It's initially as cover for Kasey (Keller) becaused he needs some surgery and I suppose it then depends on how long that surgery and rehabilitation takes. I've signed for two months and that's all it will be initially."

Now 42, Dave has no doubt that he can still perform in the top flight.

He insisted: "People look at your age and ask questions but I have to say, if people have seen me play then that speaks for itself.

"I've stayed fit and I think I've stayed at the top of my form. While that's the case I would like to continue playing.

"It goes without saying that this is a very high profile club.

"It's been a while since I was in the Premiership, the last time was with Forest and was only one season because we got relegated. The opportunity is here and now I want to savour it."