Local children learn the legacy of Walter Tull
Wed 28 March 2018, 16:00|
Tottenham Hotspur
To mark the centenary of Walter Tull’s death, the Club hosted an educational workshop on the life of Britain’s first black outfield footballer for local primary school students at Percy House.
During the workshop, students from Brook House Primary School, Tottenham, learnt about Tull’s life with the help of Club Ambassador, Ledley King, and historical researchers based within the Tottenham Hotspur Foundation.
This follows on from the annual schools workshops delivered on the subject of Tull around Black History Month (October). Walter's story will also be told in the museum within the Tottenham Experience at our new stadium.
Ledley, our former captain, also represented the Club at All Saints Church, Northampton, on Sunday, where Tull’s life was celebrated in a special commemorative service led by the Mayor, Cllr Gareth Eales.
Ledley said: “Today’s event has been a fantastic celebration of Walter’s life. It’s great to see the Club running interactive workshops such as these to help educate the next generation about his brief but incredible life.”
Below: Ledley speaks with Brook House Primary School students in the workshop at Percy House
After making his mark as a talented local football player, Tull went on to become one of Britain’s first professional players from a black heritage, playing first for Clapton FC before being signed by Tottenham Hotspur and later transferring to Northampton Town. When war broke out, Tull enlisted in the Footballers’ Battalion of the Middlesex Regiment and became the first black combat officer in the British Army. He was mentioned in despatches and recommended for the Military Cross for his bravery in the face of enemy fire. Sadly he died during the Battle of the Somme on March 25, 1918.
The workshop was hosted as part of Tull100 - Football Remembers, a national project funded by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government. The project was launched on the 26th March, the day after the centenary of his death, and is being activated through football teams, youth groups, schools and community networks across the country.