Vancouver Spurs
Vancouver Spurs OSC are located in Vancouver, Canada. Check out the OSC below!

Get to know our Supporters Club

About Vancouver Spurs
Vancouver Spurs was founded in 2019 when Spurs Canada which had been established since 2000 decided to make local chapters in major Canadian cities.
We are an ardent group of fans that come together to watch games at our host pub, The Ox (formerly The Lennox) in the heart of downtown Vancouver.
We had our inaugural Vancouver Spurs tour to London in 2024.
We are always happy to welcome new members - COYS!
Vancouver Spurs is Registered with BC Societies as a Not-for-Profit Society under the name Vancouver Spurs Supporters Club, Incorporation Number S0073494. Vancouver Spurs By-Laws and Constitution of Vancouver Spurs are available via the links below and are submitted and maintained as part of our Society Registration.The Board is voted upon at our AGM which is usually held at the end of July. We are always looking for dedicated Spurs fans to join our Board or help out in any capacity – be it website management, social media posting, marketing, etc – more hands makes light work.
Chairperson: Alan Searle

Matchday Meeting Point
Our Supporters Club meets at The Ox Pub on every matchday to cheer on the team!
800 Granville St
BC V6Z 1K3

How to get involved?
Come and join in the fun supporting our Tottenham Hotspur in Vancouver!
150Total member
We are always looking to expand our ranks!

4710 milesDistance from Tottenham Hotspur Stadium
Come and support Tottenham Hotspur with us in Vancouver!