Malta Spurs
Malta Spurs OSC are located in Malta. Check out the OSC below!

Get to know our Supporters Club

About Malta Spurs
The Malta Spurs supporters’ club was founded on 1 November 1981 and was originally named Spurs Supporters Club (Malta). The Club was officially acknowledged by Tottenham Hotspur Football Club as one of its official supporters’ clubs on 19 October 1988.
We have our own premises, situated at 22, St Frederick Street, Valletta. These premises were officially inaugurated by Ray Clemence on 5 June 1988. This is our base, in which we have a bar and our own little Spurs museum. Here is where we meet to discuss Spurs. Here is where we watch all Tottenham Hotspur matches live.
At the end of last season 2022/2023, we had well over 200 active members.
We publish a 24-page full-colour magazine, The Cockerel, which is issued every two months. The last issue of last season, that of May/June 2023, was issue number 227.
Throughout the year we organise several activities to continue gathering support for Tottenham Hotspur Football Club in the Maltese Islands.
We welcome with great pleasure all Spurs fans from all around the world.
Chairperson: Carmel Debattista
Secretary: Edmond Bartolo
Treasurer: Nicholas Saliba
Member: Etienne Camilleri
Member: Chris Vassallo

Matchday Meeting Point
Our Supporters Club meets at our bar on Frederick Street every matchday to cheer on the team!
22 Frederick Street
VLT 1473

How to get involved?
Come and join in the fun supporting Tottenham Hotspur at our bar on Frederick Street!
222Total members
We are always looking to expand our ranks!

1500 milesDistance from Tottenham Hotspur Stadium
Support Tottenham Hotspur with us in Valletta, Malta!