Supporters' Clubs

Official Spurs Supporters' Club
Wherever you are in the world, starting an Official Supporters’ Club is a fantastic way to bring together like-minded fans in your area to watch games at a local meeting place.
We are proud to have 560 Official Supporters' Clubs in countries across the world, including Australia, Canada, Ireland, Japan, UK and the USA. Last season alone we welcomed 106 new Official Supporters’ Clubs including Salt Lake City, Uganda, Kobe and clubs within the UK such as Lincolnshire, West Cumbria and Warwickshire
OSC 5-A-Side Tournament winners, Italy Spurs
We are immensely proud of all our Official Supporters’ Clubs and we should like to take this opportunity to thank you for your tireless work in supporting the Club this season. This is an incredibly exciting time for Tottenham Hotspur and I look forward to welcoming you all back as part of our Supporters’ Club family.
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